Отношения доктора Ватсона и доктора Уотсона

Автор From_Odessa, 20 апреля 2024, 10:58

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Цитата: Витамин Ц от 21 апреля 2024, 01:07
Цитата: Рокуэлл от 20 апреля 2024, 13:18А сейчас... Даже не знаю. Привыкли как-то к Ватсону, как и к Вашингтону
Тут даже не в том дело что привыкли, а в том, что нам знаком персонаж Ватсон, а теперь ему пытаются поменять фамилию на другую. Это как если бы Алиса вдруг стала Алёной.
Это вам знаком. Мне Уотсон знаком как минимум не меньше Ватсона.

Витамин Ц


Мне подсказали, что это не единственные языковые проблемы эпопеи про Холмса.

Цитироватьв английском есть тоже прикол

инспектор Лестрейд

англичане сами не могут определиться

Лестрейд или Лестрад

в разных фильмах сериалах по разному

ЦитироватьDoyle seems to have acquired Lestrade's name from a fellow student at the University of Edinburgh, Joseph Alexandre Lestrade,[19] who was a Saint Lucian medical student.[20] In "The Adventure of the Cardboard Box", Lestrade's first initial is revealed to be G.[17] This initial may have been inspired by the Prefect of Police known only as "G—" in Edgar Allan Poe's short story "The Purloined Letter" (1845).[19] Despite having an apparently French surname (there is a village named Lestrade-et-Thouels in France and "l'estrade" means "the raised platform" in French), Inspector Lestrade shows no overt French ties.
According to Everyman's English Pronouncing Dictionary, the name Lestrade can be pronounced either "Le'strayed" (rhyming with "trade") or "Le'strahd" /ləˈstrɑːd/ .[1] In The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes, Leslie S. Klinger writes that there is no consensus among scholars on the pronunciation of "Lestrade".[17] The original French pronunciation of the name would have been close to "Le'strahd". However, according to the book The Sherlock Holmes Miscellany by Roger Johnson and Jean Upton (Holmesian scholars and members of The Baker Street Irregulars), Arthur Conan Doyle's daughter Dame Jean Conan Doyle stated that her father pronounced the name with a long a sound (as "Le'strayed").[21]
The pronunciation of Lestrade as "Le'strahd" has been used in multiple adaptations such as the 1939–1946 film series,[22] the 2009 film Sherlock Holmes,[23] and the television series Sherlock (2010–2017).[24] The pronunciation of the name as "Le'strayed" has also been used in multiple canonical adaptations, including the 1931–1937 film series,[25] the Granada television series (1984–1994),[26] and the BBC radio series (1989–1998),[27] as well as in some non-canonical works, including the 2020 film Enola Holmes.


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